Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My world is ending

Kids are so funny. My Tommy just cracks me up.

The other day he got in trouble for not listening to me and continuing to play on his Nintendo DS. I told him that he was grounded from playing on his DS for a period of time. You would have thought I had chopped off his leg. He ran to his room and proceeded with the dramatics.

At first, he started with the screaming crying so that I could hear his pain and anguish from the living room. Then he went from screaming crying to my feelings have been hurt crying. At this point, I came into the room. I laid down beside him and through alot of tears he pleaded his case. I told him that because of his actions and not listening to me that the consequence was losing the privelege to play on his DS. As soon as I said that, he went from my feelings have been hurt crying to uncontrollable crying.

Between his cries, he uttered the words, "My world is ending."

Being the super supportive mom that I am, I laughed (out loud). That made him go back to the my feelings are hurt crying. Well I knew at this point I would not be able to reason with him so I just held him close until he stopped crying. When he stopped crying he was able to tell me that he was sorry for how he acted and that he would listen next time.

Don't you think that is how it is with us and God sometimes? We don't get our way so we cry out in anger and get mad at God. Then we may feel that God is somehow making us go through this to hurt our feelings when in fact He may be making us stronger. And when we figure out that this might just be a consequence for our actions, we might just get a little dramatic about the situation and want everyone else to feel sorry for us. But if we will let Him, God will gently wrap us in his arms of unfailing love, forgiveness and grace and hold us until we are ready to humbly accept the consequences of our actions.

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