Monday, February 16, 2009

Do-Do Disease

For years, I have been battling with a disease. It's called the do-do disease. I do, and do, and do until there is nothing but scraps of my life left for my husband or my family. And when my husband and kids would want to chill out together and not want to go and do-do-do, I would get angry and resentful towards them.

Well I was challenged on Saturday with a word...simplify. When you put it out there it seems so...simple. But when you began thinking of applying it to various areas of your life, simple can become complex. My mind reeled on Saturday afternoon as I prayed about what God wanted to teach me through this.
On Saturday night over our V-day dinner, I confessed to my husband that I have spent more time doing things for everyone else and spending less time with him. And while this isn't a problem that I can fix overnight, it is something that I am conscience of AND willing to admit to God, my husband, my family and my friends. I believe this is the first step in healing from this horrible do-do disease.

1 comment:

Jan Owen said...

you need to think of a new name for your disease. :)